Wednesday 27 November 2013

WA’s population is set to boom. The City of Stirling’s plans fly in the face of the reality. Sign our petition today!

WA Business news stated yesterday “Perth’s population is set to overtake that of Brisbane over the next 15 years, with experts forecasting the city will experience the highest population growth of all capital cities over the next 50 years .

Western Australia’s population is projected to almost triple in size by 2061, on medium growth assumptions, from 2.4 million people in 2012 to 6. 4million. The Australian Bureau of Statistics released its predictions yesterday.”

With these announcements, we would wonder why the City of Stirling would propose a planning change to ban all multiple dwellings (apartments) in low rise developments in areas zoned less than R60.Currently low rise apartments are only prohibited in areas zoned at R35 and lower. This goes against the state government efforts to boost housing affordability through urban infill. Help us stop this and sign our petition at

Thursday 14 November 2013

Property owners face significant losses if proposed City of Stirling planning amendments go ahead


Property owners face potential major financial losses under proposed amendments to the City of Stirling town planning scheme warns property investment consultancy, Momentum Wealth.

 Momentum Wealth managing director Damian Collins says the proposed planning amendment will prohibit apartment type dwellings in any areas zoned less than R60. Currently this is only prohibited in areas zoned R35 and below.

 This will have significant effects on the development potential of residential blocks in many areas of the city boundaries. Suburbs that may be affected include, Balga, Nollamara, Westminster, Joondanna, Innaloo, Yokine, Balcatta, Doubleview, Scarborough and Tuart Hill.

Mr Collins says if approved, the down coding will mean that sites that may accommodate six or eight apartments may now only be suitable for two or three villas or townhouses.

 He says Momentum Wealth is opposed to the City of Stirling proposed Scheme Amendment and is advising land owners to act now to preserve the development potential and value of their assets.

“While different styles of development are suitable for different suburbs, a blanket banning of apartments at zonings less than R60 is a blunt and ineffective way to run a planning scheme” says Mr Collins. “The State Government made changes to the residential planning codes to allow for this type of development in order to cater for a change in household sizes and to help slow down the never ending sprawl of the city. Every local council in Perth will have to accept some higher density and diversity of housing and the City of Stirling is no exception.”

Mr Collins says property owners are encouraged to contact Momentum Wealth’s planning and development team for advice on the types of things they can do.

“It is critical for property owners to be aware of the quite significant lost financial potential that these proposed changes will have for them,” Mr Collins says.

“A lot of people with R 40 zoned sites are likely unaware that they may not be able to develop the property to its full potential in the future.
“We are encouraging these property owners to speak to our planning and developments team who can lodge a development application for these sites now,” Mr Collins says.

“If the proposal is granted consent to advertise by the Minister for Planning, the City of Stirling can consider the proposed change in any development application they receive.  By lodging and having a development application considered before the proposed change is granted consent to advertise, this proposed change will not affect the development potential. If the application is approved, property owners will have two years to commence development of their site, even if zoning changes go ahead in the interim.”   

Mr Collins set up Momentum Wealth in 2006 after recognising a need to provide time-poor investors with a trusted and qualified source of advice.

Mr Collins is a buyer’s agent, a qualified chartered accountant who is a board member of the Property Investment Professionals of Australia (PIPA) as well as a Councillor of the Real Estate Institute of Western Australia (REIWA).   

Media contact: Evelyn Duffy 94476532 or 0439981505



Tuesday 5 November 2013

Momentum Wealth won the best dressed at our Melbourne Cup lunch at Ascot yesterday !!